Pregnant Woman Handcuffed To Hospital Bed While In Labor

Posted on: September 24th, 2011 48 Comments
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In Nashville, Tennessee, an immigrant pregnant woman was shackled to the hospital bed while in labor.

According to the police she was being arrested for driving without license.

She had other documentations and registration papers of the car, but still they put her in jail where she had to stay until she had seen a judge on the local charges.

The woman soon went into labor while still in jail, and taken shortly after to the hospital where she was handcuffed to the bed.

She was separated from her son, and the officers didn’t even let her take a breast pump with her so she struggled with painfully engorged breasts in jail.

They also shackled her feet together before she could go to the bathroom which made hygienic care after the birth very difficult.

The nurses at the hospital were crying because the handcuffs upset them.

They asked the officers to take them off, but with no use. Her lawyers, citing more than $300,000 in future medical needs plus pain and suffering, had asked for $1.2 million.

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